Soiled Restroom Cinema  

Soiled Restroom Cinema

Author: Signals Of Fury

Simply put, SRC is a really funny conversation about a really bad film. Honor Knight and his cavalcade of award winning Cinematic Flushers bring their unique brand of snark each week to the absolute WORST Hollywood has to offer.
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Language: en

Genres: Comedy, TV & Film

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SRC 221: 65 (2023)
Episode 221
Wednesday, 13 November, 2024

The Cinematic Flushers take on dino poop!  When an alien (Adam Driver) unexpectedly crash lands on Earth 65 million years in the past, he must battle his way past a bunch of CGI dinosaurs to reach an escape vehicle with a child survivor (Ariana Greenblatt) in tow.  What follows is 93 minutes of characters constantly looking over their shoulders and repeating the word "family" over and over. Cinematic Flushers Copper Yuenger, and Paul Hawkins join Honor Knight as they Jurassic Park up to flush this dino sized turd. We love feedback!  Tweet us with your comments and suggestions for future flushes.  


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