The L4T Movie Club  

The L4T Movie Club

Book clubs are for people who can read, but the Left 4 Ted Movie Club doesn't discriminate against those people.

Author: Ted J

Language: en-us

Genres: TV & Film

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Saturday, 11 October, 2014

The Really Late Review of ZombielandThe best zombie survival guide on film or so I think. Zombieland is about four hapless survivors of a zombie apocalypse. We follow the stories of how our "heroes" meet, complete with back stories. To be honest, this film is probably the most life like zombie movie there is just because there is as much humor as there is drama and action. Though the surprise cameo is a bit of a stretch. So let's break this movie down just a bit. On acting Jesse Eisenberg brings his B game which is kind of like a lot of actors' A game. Woody Harrelson basically plays the same character he always plays. Finally Emma Stone is raised to a bit higher level of acting by Abigail Breslin who is fucking awesome. The story may seem a bit hard to swallow at first but as you realize that the rules of engagement are based in fact and the motives of the characters are based purely on the shock and mental trams each character has gone through to survive the end of the world as we know it. Though there are questions that are not answered (why does Tallahassee put 3s on each car he has? Who is the 6th person who has survived as according to Tallahassee?) all in all the movie does have a bunch of flaws which can distract the vigilant cinephile but it is still a good movie with good special effects and a great soundtrack. I give the movie 3.5 Twinkies out of 5.  


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