RoseAuthor: Mary Crystal Wood
A designer baby girl is born with mysterious growth spurts. Her minimalist parents watch their simple life unravel when she outgrows their tiny house. The medical team responsible for her condition race to find a cure and keep her a secret. Language: en Genres: Drama, Fiction, Science Fiction Contact email: Get it Feed URL: Get it iTunes ID: Get it |
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1. A boy, a girl, a house, a baby
Thursday, 10 March, 2022
Preston and June find out they’re having a baby. Having just completed their tiny house, they can’t believe how quickly their dreams are coming together. Veronica, a physician’s assistant, recaps Rose’s bizarre grand entrance into the world. Kyle meets Rose for the first time. Narrated by Gus Palma. Starring Coby Smith as Veronica, Noralynn James as June, William Manis as Preston, Zac Lee Wood as Kyle and featuring Werner Heiber as Prof. Von Rhinehart.