Lion Empire (HD)  

Lion Empire (HD)

Experience a family saga unlike any other in an exciting new series that follows the triumphs and tragedies of a lion pride struggling for survival in one of Africa's wildest places.

Author: Earth Touch

Experience a family saga unlike any other in an exciting new series that follows the triumphs and tragedies of a lion pride struggling for survival in one of Africa's wildest places. Deep within Botswana's Okavango swamp, two lion brothers, Renoka and Lakan, have formed a coalition a bond their growing family will depend on in this hostile and ever-changing environment. Filmed over three years during one of the most turbulent periods in the Okavango's recent history, this is the story of the Lion Empire.
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Language: en-us

Genres: TV & Film

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Lion prides clash
Thursday, 8 August, 2013


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