Degenerates talk Sports  

Degenerates talk Sports

Author: MKay

Sports news, business news, and athlete investments can be difficult to get into. Degenerates talk Sports fills the sports media gap with a podcast centered around the typical degenerate that loves sports betting, fantasy sports leagues, gambling, and staying up to date on their favorite athletes. In todays era of everything is sports Degenerates talk Sports combines all of your interests by diving into the business news surrounding our favorite past times. Its a must-listen for businessmen, hustlers, gamblers, and sports fans alike!
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Genres: News, Sports News

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Degenerates talk Sports S3 Ep. 12 (TB12 retires AGAIN, Vaccine price discussion, artificial womb chambers, ChatGPT banned + our sports picks)
Episode 12
Friday, 3 February, 2023

Midnight oil burners, MKay and Bradbury are here to give you the first episode of Degenerates talk Sports for 2023. In this kick-off episode, we discuss the top headlines from sports to outrageous headlines you need to know about.  This was a fun one, we hope you enjoy it! Topics for this below show: - Intro & best thing we saw in sports this week - Sports update TB12 Retirement + Superbowl discussion NBA updated standings Fantasy winner of the year -Sports Picks Bets for this coming week- -Fresh off the Press Vaccine for Bees New Price for COVID-19 Vaccine  Artificial growth pods for babies ChatGPT banned in schools New Alzheimer’s drug heads to the pharmacy UPDATE: Southwest Airlines said its holiday flight cancellation bonanza will shave as much as $825 million off its earnings, giving it a loss for the fourth quarter. Follow us and our community here: Brought to you by Degenerate Media Network* Follow us on our socials: Instagram and Twitter- @DTSAPPROVED @QuentinAtweets @MkayArmbrust


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