USENIX Invited Talks Podcast  

USENIX Invited Talks Podcast

Covering the latest in security, system administration, systems research, and more need-to-know technology topics

Author: USENIX Association

The USENIX Invited Talks Podcast brings you industry leaders covering the latest in security, system administration, systems research, and more need-to-know technology topics. USENIX, The Advanced Computing Systems Association, has been the premier forum for presenting groundbreaking technology information for over 30 years. Check out excerpts from the luminary-led invited talks programs of past USENIX Conferences.
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Genres: News, Tech News, Technology

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Second Life
Sunday, 4 May, 2008

Rob Lanphier and Mark Lentczner, Linden Lab Rob Lanphier, Linden Lab's Open Source Busybody, and Mark Lentczner, who directs a software engineering studio at Linden Lab, will talk about the release of the Second Life viewer source code: what that means, what it might mean, and what it doesn't mean. He'll provide a brief overview of the technology and history of Second Life, discuss the astronomical growth in use of Second Life, and explain what Linden Lab is doing to cope with the ever-increasing stress on the system. He'll discuss some key improvements Linden Lab is making in the protocols used by the product—utilizing a Web services model to increase scalability and to decouple versioning between clients and servers, as well as server-to-server communication.


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