Buddhist psychology of addiction  

Buddhist psychology of addiction

Marin Sangha asked me to talk about the Buddhist psychology of addiction. The talk covers childhood trauma and its physiological and psychological role in teen/adult addiction. as well as instructions for landing in the aliveness of physicality as it is.

Author: Lisa Dale Miller, LMFT

This dharma talk was delivered at Marin Sangha on May 31, 2015. I was asked to talk about the Buddhist psychology of addiction. The talk covers quite a bit of ground including childhood trauma and its physiological and psychological role in teen/adult addiction. The talk also has instructions for landing in the aliveness of physicality as it is.
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Genres: Buddhism, Religion & Spirituality, Science, Social Sciences

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Buddhist psychology of addiction
Saturday, 20 June, 2015

This dharma talk was delivered at Marin Sangha on May 31, 2015. I was asked to talk about the Buddhist psychology of addiction. The talk covers quite a bit of ground including childhood trauma and its physiological and psychological role in teen/adult addiction. The talk also has instructions for landing in the aliveness of physicality as it is.


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