Reality CheckLGBT news, skepticism and a movie review Author: Tony Pitman
Gay? Lesbian? Skeptical? Check out "Reality Check!" "Reality Check" is a radio show hosted by Tony Pitman and broadcast on JOY 94.9 FM in Melbourne, Australia. Each episode, "Reality Check" brings you a round-up of LGBT world news and a movie review, plus a heavy dose of critical thinking and skeptical analysis of pseudoscience and the paranormal. Psychics, ghosts, UFOs, astrology, diets, alternative medicines and much more all come under the critical eye. Language: en-us Genres: Science Contact email: Get it Feed URL: Get it iTunes ID: Get it |
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Reality Check 80 - 29 November 2019
Saturday, 30 November, 2019
LGBT world news (Taiwan, Ecuador, Mexico, Northern Ireland, Botswana, Pete Buttigieg, Lil Nas X); Final episode special - LGBT news highlights of the last decade and marriage equality predictions; Movie review of “Burning.” Gay? Lesbian? Skeptical? Check out "Reality Check" - the podcast for LGBT skeptics and their allies worldwide! To download this episode, right-click on above link __________________________________________________