AftermathAuthor: Fire Pit Creative Group
Aftermath is a dystopian audiofiction epic about our world after 2069 A.D. General Binyamin Castro, the Israeli government's special envoy to the United Nations, leads members of a subterranean society known as The Phoenix Project. With the assistance of Phoenix Law Division Major Leonard "Cutty" McGuillicuddy and Professor Jon Bath, they leverage old technology to search a new world. Their efforts are aided by Phoenix Project Administrator Danielle Deveneaux, Chief Surgeon Miral Ghaniyah and talented engineer Donna Chang. As they discover what life still exists on the surface, each face new challenges and solve mysteries about humanity's ancient past. Visit our website at Language: en-us Genres: Fiction, Science Fiction Contact email: Get it Feed URL: Get it iTunes ID: Get it |
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Episode 41 - Genesis and Oblivion
Thursday, 31 October, 2024
Who is Lilith, and what will she reveal to Castro, Deveneaux, and Chang? Cutty continues to put the pieces together. Visit our website at Enter the Greenstream on social media! Twitter: @GroupFirepit Instagram: @firepitcreativegroupofficial Facebook: YouTube: Fire Pit Creative Group Email: Credits and Sound Effect Attribution Aftermath is a Fire Pit Creative Group production and is based on a story created by Rhett Davis, with characters created by Rhett Davis, Warren Davis, Willem de Greef, and Cole Hoopingarner. Original script by Warren Davis. Edited by Cole Hoopingarner Narrated and produced by Cole Hoopingarner, with music by Warren Davis Video Production by Willem de Greef Sound effects used for this episode were obtained from: Aftermath and its story, music, artwork, and characters are copyrighted by Fire Pit Creative Group.