Tom Mathew Jose  

Tom Mathew Jose

Author: Tom Mathew Jose

Tom Mathew Jose is a content creator. A student at GEMS New Millennium School, he creates film photos and videos. An expert at digital marketing and website building. Born on July 20, 2006 (age 15 years), in Kerala, India.
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Language: en

Genres: Arts, Design

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Arnold Schwarzenegger Leaves the Audience SPEECHLESS | One of the Best Motivational Speeches Ever
Episode 8
Sunday, 23 August, 2020

Arnold Schwarzenegger, former Mr. Olympia, Conan, Terminator, and Governor of California, delivers one of the best motivational speeches you will ever hear. "At the age of 20 I went to London and won the youngest Mr.Universe ever. And it was because I had a goal. So let me tell you something, visualizing a goal and going after it is fun. You have to have a purpose, no matter what, you have to have a purpose." ― Arnold Schwarzenegger ►Speaker   Arnold Schwarzenegger  Schwarzenegger is known all over the globe for his many accomplishments: world champion bodybuilder, Hollywood action hero, successful businessman, environmentalist, philanthropist, best-selling author, and California's 38th Governor.


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