Jamaica Design Association  

Jamaica Design Association

Author: Jamaica Design Association

#designshallsavetheworld The Jamaica Design Association is a professional community of Jamaican designers of all disciplines. Graphic, user, culinary, architectural, sound, video, audio, web, the list goes on. We want to highlight the designers of our past, present and possibly the future. Exploring how design can solve problems in our society.
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Language: en

Genres: Arts, Design

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JDA Podcast: Spec work vs Competition - Is there a difference?
Monday, 7 June, 2021

In this episode Kevin talks to former JDA members D'Oyen Williams and Kimona Wickham about spec work (Speculative work). A dreaded term in the freelance industry, that sparks a lot of confusion and controversy. What is it? Are competitions spec work? Should you stay away or participate? Find out in this episode what it's all about and why you need to be aware. This will help both freelancers seeking work and organizations who might be concerned they are treading on unethical lines.


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