Tales of the Chai Makhani Trio  

Tales of the Chai Makhani Trio

Author: Kate MacLeod

Elyot loathes the massive Commonwealth ships that hover menacingly over his home world of Adghal. He hates the Commonwealth enforcers who harass the populace even more. But with his mother missing and presumed dead, Elyot keeps his head down and strives to avoid notice. And he succeeds until the day two strangers enter his life... New episodes of this sci-fi serial drop every 1st of the month. To learn more about the writer Kate MacLeod, visit To learn more about the voice actor Oliver Vincent, visit
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Genres: Fiction, Science Fiction

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Episode 12: The Last Departure
Episode 12
Tuesday, 28 February, 2023

The Chai Makhani Trio have fought Koltn Ward and his Commonwealth Enforcers all over the surface of Adghal and in orbit above it. But their battle has reached its end. Elyot, Alextra and Keani stand before the governor of Adghal and the leaders of the rebellion with everything needed to repel the Commonwealth for good. But politics muddies everything, even the most basic of survival impulses. Time grows short, while the danger just grows. Their world balances on a pinpoint. Which way will it fall? Freedom or bondage? The Chai Makhani Trio face their final challenge. But win or lose, their trio is doomed to be broken. "The Last Departureā€ is the twelfth and final episode in the ongoing monthly science fiction adventure serial TALES OF THE CHAI MAKHANI TRIO.


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