First Security Financial Show  

First Security Financial Show

When a part of your financial strategy is out of place, your long-term goals, your retirement savings, your legacy all suffer.

Author: David and John Compton

Small changes, made over time, can produce significant results. Much like a high performance engine, or an entire orchestra, when even a small part is not doing what it is supposed to do, everything suffers. And the same is true of your finances. This show is dedicated to the small things that make a significant difference.
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Language: en

Genres: Business, Investing

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Show 3: September 11
Tuesday, 10 September, 2019

As part of the post-Hurricane Ida show, Hosts David Compton and Tom Perumean reflect on the hurricane and the stories of resilience and humanity found in the stories of individuals and families who are working to recover from the latest storm of the century. David also covers what the kinds of impacts the storm can have on a people's retirement planning.


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