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TVOTNYC2013 - BigData - FriendOrFoe - Final
Monday, 10 February, 2014

"Big Data: Friend or Foe?" at TVOT NYC 2013 [itvt] is pleased to present an audio recording of the TVOT NYC 2013 session, "Big Data: Friend or Foe?" The session was described in the show brochure as follows: "This session is the first half of a two-part TVOT NYC 2013 mini-track on Big Data, which brings together some of the most influential experts and thought leaders in that space--as well as executives who have been at the forefront of applying Big Data to television and advertising--in order to elucidate the Big Data phenomenon and to examine its potential impact on programming, advertising and the business and viewer experience of television in general. Panelists in this debate-driven segment of the mini-track will explore the ways in which Big Data, with its ability to provide insights into viewer behavior, has the potential to have a positive impact on multiple parts of the TV ecosystem, from the creative side, through media planning and buying, to delivery to the viewer. At the same time, the panelists will attempt to ascertain whether the current fascination with Big Data is, in fact, a distraction from what is important in television and could actually be detrimental to the medium--by seducing us into abandoning time-tested business practices and the creativity and originality that make for great programming and advertising, in favor of rigid methodologies borrowed from a science that is still arguably in its infancy and whose relevance to the television experience is still very much up for debate." Panelists included: • Bill Feininger, SVP of Media Measurement, FourthWall Media • Seth Haberman, CEO, Visible World (Moderator) • Paul Haddad, SVP of Data and Analytics, Cablevision • Michael Hirschorn, CEO, Ish Entertainment • David A. Schweidel, Associate Professor of Marketing, Goizueta Business School, Emory University • George Shababb, President, Kantar Media Audiences • Ashley Swartz, CEO, Furious Minds


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