Winter of Different Directions  

Winter of Different Directions

Author: Steven J. McDermott

In this podiobook: The characters in Steven J. McDermott's short story collection Winter of Different Directions struggle to keep life's body blows and uppercuts from becoming knockout punches, whether they bring them on themselves, or receive them from friends, lovers, co-workers, or family. You might root for them. You might root against them. But just like the relatives you hope won't show for Thanksgiving, these are characters you can't forget. With his stunning range and passionate delivery, it is McDermott who delivers the knockout punch in this debut collection of twenty short stories.
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Genres: Arts, Books

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20. Risk Factors - Winter of Different Directions
Saturday, 20 October, 2007

-In this episode: The corporate counsel of the going bankrupt uses an SEC filing to come clean.


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