This Marketing Thing  

This Marketing Thing

Author: Kyle Macca

Marketing is just a department in a company. Right? Wrong. Knowing how to market yourself and your products is becoming so much more important in this noisy digital age. Follow along as I learn, inspire, help and share all the latest marketing secrets and strategies.
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Language: en

Genres: Business, Marketing

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Ep53 New Sales Script That’ll Double Your Sales… That No One Else Knows.
Episode 53
Thursday, 18 November, 2021

Are you writing sales copy that's kinda like driving down a winding road that doesn’t really go anywhere? Let alone bring in sales… Even if you’re able to manage some sort of structure with conventional formulas, like the done to death and every self proclaimed copywriting gurus favourite AIDA, PAS or the 4P’s... It’s all been seen before. Your market has well and truly been conditioned to it. They’ve been hit with the same old formulas for every sales message, every email and all of the repetitive ad structure on social media. Time for something new… something that’ll captivate your market and keep them reading. Guaranteeing you sales. Best of all your competition isn’t going to know about it. You’ll “stand out” instead of “standing in” blending with the crowd. In this episode I interview a master copywriter that reveals his super simple copywriting formula that you can use to skyrocket sales in your emails, sales letters and ads. Best of all it’s super simple.


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