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Construct your masterpiece 建造你的杰作
Episode 1
Friday, 15 April, 2022

Today belongs to the architect. He sees towers before they pierce the sky and opportunity before it transforms into the extraordinary. He knows that what he wants most can not be given. It must be sculpted. So, he builds. He builds because those skylines don't raise themselves from the earth. The extraordinary does not appear on its own. They are dreamed into existence by the architects of reality. The ones who seek not to take from the world but to contribute to it.今天,是属于建造者的。建造者,在万丈高楼平地起之前,就看见了根基,在奇迹出现之前,就看到了机遇。他很清楚,自己想要的东西不是现成的,他必须下足苦功,精雕细琢。所以,他不断筑造,不断建设,因为天际线不会凭空出现,奇迹不会自己发生。是建造者们以它们为理想,努力奋斗,才把它们变成了现实。Today is the beginning of something new, something better, something worth remembering. And it's existed long before the present moment, waiting for your vision, your courage, your persistence to bring it to life. Too many times we fail to reach into the realm of what we know and get more of ourselves. It's okay to struggle, to be wrong, to have to rebuild a thousand times, but the great tragedy is closing our eyes and walking by life's opportunities. Everything you need to rebuild the life you dream of is around you. Your every move. If only you'd reach for it, see it before your eyes to become the architect of change.今天是一个全新的开始,是一个更好的开始,是一个值得纪念的开始,它在很久之前就已经存在了,但你要有眼见、有胆识、有毅力,才能让它成真。很多时候,我们无法在自己擅长的领域一展身手。挣扎,犯错,重来无数次,这都没问题。真正的悲剧在于我们对宝贵的机会视而不见。如果你想创造自己梦寐以求的生活,其实,你所需要的东西就在你身边,你的每个举动都与此有关。如果你能够付出努力,预见机会,创造改变,那么,你的梦想就可以成真。Nothing is impossible when you are the one setting the rules, when your hand draws the guidelines. You are not at the mercy of the world, you are creating it. This is yours and there will never be a moment like it again. So don't run from it or hope life gives you what you want. Take the pieces in front of you and construct your masterpiece.如果你是规则的制定者,你是蓝图的描绘者,那么一切皆有可能。世界无法控制你,事实上,你正在改造世界。一切都取决于你,机不可失,时不再来。所以,不要逃避,不要以为生活会把你想要的一切都给你。收拾好眼前的苟且,去创造你自己的奇迹吧。


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