Gender & Development  

Gender & Development

Author: Gender & Development journal

The Gender & Development podcast is brought to you by the Gender & Development journal - an international journal aiming to inspire and support development policy and practice for womens rights and gender equality.
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Gender and Health
Thursday, 20 May, 2021

In this podcast, Gender & Development's  Liz Cooke talks to the three co-editors of the Health issue of the journal.Topics covered are:why a gender lens is important when considering health mattershealth inequities COVID-19 and its gendered impactbuilding back better after the pandemicTaking part are: Janice Cooper, Senior Project Adviser for the Carter Center's Liberia Mental Health InitiativeRenu Khanna, a founding member and a Director at the NGO, SAHAJ-Society for Health Alternatives, IndiaSally Theobald, Professor and Chair in Social Science and International Health at the Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine, UKFind out more about the Gender & Development Health 


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