Organic City SoundsOrganic City Sounds aims to capture the heart of Author: Organic City Sounds
Organic City Sounds aims to capture the heart of Portland in audio. Weekly Portraits focus on a notable person, trend, or current event taking place around the city. We also feature the thoughts and opinions of normal, everyday Portlanders, and bring you homegrown sounds from around the city. The project itself is part of a larger fellowship program supported by the amazing folks at SoundCloud. You can contribute too! Feel free to submit recordings of your own, or suggest a great Portland personality. Language: en Genres: Places & Travel, Society & Culture Contact email: Get it Feed URL: Get it iTunes ID: Get it |
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Exactly what my night in SF sounded like...
Sunday, 2 October, 2011
Exactly what my night in SF sounded like... by Organic City Sounds