Design 1:1  

Design 1:1

Author: Sigit Adinugroho

Opinions and perspectives about UX from Sigit Adinugroho, an Indonesian designer based in Singapore. Throughout my 10 years plus career as a product designer across different scales of organizations, I'm eager to share what I've learned, what frustrates me and sometimes a tad bit of optimism on what I see can be a solution to a problem. Turns out, all of these are pretty common issues that we all face as designers. Join me as I share these insights, or at least listen to my ramblings about UX as a career.
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Language: in

Genres: Arts, Design

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Individual Contributor vs People Management Roles: What's next for me?
Episode 2
Monday, 27 February, 2023

I talk in Indonesian but there is a subtitle.    Hello! In this episode, I talk about the two types of role in product/tech (or any kind, really) companies: individual contributor and people manager. I discuss about my experiences, observation and how I decide my next step if I were offered the (luxury) of choosing between the two roles.   --- Dalam episode kali ini, saya membahas tentang dua tipe peran dalam perusahaan: IC (Individual Contributor) dan People Manager. Seperti apa perbedaan keduanya, apa yang saya pelajari selama ini, dan bagaimana biasanya saya memutuskan jalan karir selanjutnya? Simak video ini dan baca artikelnya juga ya di atas. Terima kasih!  


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