CursorsDesign at enterprise scale Author: Microsoft Cloud AI Studios
Cursors symbolize the moment that a Designers intention and Users actions intersect in the modern world. The Cursors podcast is from one of the larger Design teams at Microsoft which drives visual identity, interaction design, instructional and marketing videos, marketing experiences, and content design as well as data/experience analytics and qualitative research efforts for two of the biggest strategic bets at Microsoft: Microsoft Azure and Microsoft Dynamics 365. We discuss Design at Enterprise scale and how we work to deliver success for our customers and excitement to our teams. Language: en-us Genres: Arts, Design, Technology Contact email: Get it Feed URL: Get it iTunes ID: Get it |
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Enterprise stability at start-up speeds.
Episode 1
Tuesday, 11 September, 2018
Delivering on innovation at Microsoft requires that we balance the stability of a large enterprise with the speed of a start up. But that’s no easy task. Join Jonah and Nafisa as they discuss how we can overcome inertia, embrace change, and stay inspired in the process. Later, Jonah does a little reminiscing on how … Continue reading "Enterprise stability at start-up speeds."