Financial Safari with Coach Pete  

Financial Safari with Coach Pete

Be Prepared, Not Surprised

Author: Coach Pete D'Arruda

The mission of the Financial Safari is to equip you with the tools and knowledge that you need to successfully navigate through today's complex financial jungle. Each week, the hosts and guests on the show reveal the latest developments in the financial world to keep you informed of changes that may affect you personally, while sharing some common sense strategies that will help you make the most out of your retirement savings.
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Language: en-us

Genres: Business, Investing

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Don't let Brokers Behave Badly with your portfolio!
Friday, 31 May, 2024

On this episode of Financial Safari, Coach Pete is joined in the studio by Parker Holland, Lead Planner for Capital Financial, discussing the importance of financial planning and the risks associated with unscrupulous financial advisors. It highlights real-life cases of financial fraud and emphasizes the need for caution and due diligence when investing. The conversation also touches on the significance of working with fiduciary planning teams and ensuring lifetime income and peace of mind in retirement. If you have questions about taxes in retirement, or if you want a second opinion on your retirement plan, contact Coach Pete and the team at Capital Financial at (800) 661-7383.See for privacy information.


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