Note Camp Season 3 - Note Camp Commercial  

Note Camp Season 3 - Note Camp Commercial

Author: Scott Carson

Note Camp is the real estate industrys largest and longest running online note convention focused on the niche of distressed mortgages. Note Camp is focused on providing Content, Actions, Marketing, and Profit generating nuggets for your real estate and note investments. Note Camp features speakers, vendors, investors, and professionals in the note and distressed mortgage arena to help you overcome obstacles and take your business to the next level.
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Language: en-us

Genres: Business, Careers, Investing

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Eight Fatal Funding Mistakes Real Estate Investors Should Avoid With Brad Burnett
Wednesday, 12 February, 2020

A big part of the American Dream is freedom, and that doesn’t shy away from financial freedom, which isn’t only an American dream, but everyone else’s. Real estate is a big industry that can provide you with the freedom that you need, given that you make yourself fundable by avoiding fatal funding mistakes. Coach, Speaker, and Strategy Expert, Brad Burnett, crams eight of these mistakes that even veteran investors make. He provides different situations and scenarios that you should keep an eye out for to maintain and, better yet, increase your fundability. Brad also shares strategies on how to flip these mistakes to your advantage and touches on the funding formula they offer to work the system.


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