James Berry: Windrush songs - Audio  

James Berry: Windrush songs - Audio

Author: The Open University

How does a poet represent two distinctly different cultures in their work? How did James Berry interpret his experience and those of other Jamaicans that migrated to England in the late 1940s into his writing? James Berry was born in Jamaica in 1924, but moved to England during the wave of immigration from the West Indies led by the Empire Windrush. From a young age Berry had an interest in language, and showed an aptitude for spoken word and through writing soon realised he could explore the world from different perspectives. He became part of a new generation of post-colonial poets who drew inspiration from their country of birth in addition to British culture. This album focuses on a selection of poems from his collection titled Windrush songs. This material forms part of The Open University course A230 Reading and studying literature.
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James Berry
Tuesday, 18 October, 2011

An introduction to the poet, his life and how his experiences influenced his work.


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