The Give Zero Clucks Podcast  

The Give Zero Clucks Podcast

Give Zero Clucks

Author: Beverly Ross

We Give Zero Clucks, about not having the picture-perfect farm life. Hosted by Bev Ross & Sam Bolton, this is the farm comedy podcast that's a happy hour for the farming community. Through stories that include the mistakes we make and the new knowledge we gain, you'll feel less alone in this farm thing. Grab your favorite drink and laugh along with us.
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Language: en

Genres: Education, How To, Personal Journals, Society & Culture

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#234 - All The Horses
Episode 234
Friday, 9 June, 2023

When you learn about some of the more outlandish things Bev takes on, like six rescue horses, do you ever wonder how she makes those decisions and loops her family in? Spoiler alert, sometimes she doesn't. But as a neurodivergent person that is actively seeking to face her own bullpoo while also having grace and love for herself, recognizing where she could make different choices that would be better for her AND her loved ones, is key to farming more joy.In this episode, you'll hear all about how Bev agreed to rescue 6 horses, without discussing it with her loved ones first. She shares how that negatively impacted their relationship, how she took responsibility for that decision, and ways she's working to grow so she can be true to herself without harming her relationships.For full show notes go to in this episode:Listen to other great podcasts on Positively Farming Media's Network playlist.PFM Playlist


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