Art Is King  

Art Is King

ART IS KING features interviews with professional Artists, Entrepreneurs and Art Business Educators and our focus is on the Passion, Talent and Business knowledge required of an artist in order to succeed as a Professional Artist. This show is for...

Author: Art Life

ART IS KING features interviews with professional Artists, Entrepreneurs and Art Business Educators and our focus is on the Passion, Talent and Business knowledge required of an artist in order to succeed as a Professional Artist. This show is for and by Freelancers, Designers, Writers, Entrepreneurs, Art Professionals, Amateurs and Art Fans. OUR GOAL is to EDUCATE each other and commit to succeed in the art business. for more on the Art Is King mission and programs, please visit @artisking_atl
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Language: en

Genres: Society & Culture

Contact email: Get it

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AIK 101 small actionable steps - #StartNow2020
Sunday, 2 August, 2020

How to start your creative career right now. Take the first actionable step towards your goals. One step. That is it. Once you have taken one step to do something, then there is something to talk about, something to adjust and determine if that is the proper direction. But first there must be something! Start that Podcast, Drawing, Writing, Blogging, Streaming, Dancing, Singing, Recording, Producing, Publishing, Sketching, Attending, Creating, Watching, Learning, Applying, Searching, Asking, Collaborating, Contributing, Submitting, you get the point! #StartNow2020 with the first step. Start Now with what you have. See you around the internets! Learn Digital Art and Vector work with DTM: Vector Demos and Tutorials: business of art is not the Art Biz. #ArtLifeAllDay #Storytelling #ArtDirector #CreativeClass #ContentCreator #Illustrator #AdobeFresco #ArtLife #DTM #iLikeToDraw #DocumentTheGame #MadewithMicrosoft #AdobeDrawing #Behance #ConceptArt


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