The Ecologist  

The Ecologist

Author: The Graduate Institute's Environmental Committee

Created by the Graduate Institute's Environmental Committee, this bilingual podcast discusses fascinating topics in relation to environmental issues such as circular economics, urban farming, and biodiversity conservation, among other thought-provoking subjects. Every month, the co-hosts answer an environmental-related question while interviewing a practitioner in the field, an entrepreneur or a professor to try to gain insight into said issue or topic of discussion. Through this podcast, listeners can also learn about how their individual actions impact the environment and ways in which they can change their lifestyles to become more eco-friendly. Hosts: Anna Ploeg and Olivier Flamand-Lapointe. Music Credits: Joseph McDade - Elevation.
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Language: en

Genres: Natural Sciences, Science, Social Sciences

Contact email: Get it

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Episode 6. Social Innovation and Sustainable Development
Monday, 14 September, 2020

In this joint episode with Collaborate for Social Innovation, Olivier interviews Lorenzo Niola, the Head of Ecosystem Development at Hatch CoLab. Hatch CoLab accelerates the development and scaling up of technologies to solve sustainability issues. It helps startups work with international organisations to develop their technologies and make real change possible. The student contributor for this episode was Matthieu Guillier, a master student at the Graduate Institute in Geneva, and codirector of Collaborate for Social Innovation, a contest bringing together young professionals, students and international organizations to create solutions to current challenges. He added his insight on the pros and cons of applying social innovation to environmental issues, citing his favorite previous entries by contestants.


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