Constantly Calibrating Podcast (Gaming & Geek Culture)Author: Constantly Calibrating
Constantly Calibrating is a weekly topical podcast that focuses on the wide world of nerd/geek culture; Delving into both recent news stories, as well as discussions, debates and interviews related to what's happening in our assorted fields (Gaming/Tech/Life). A little bit of things, a fair amount of words, and a whole lot of stuff! Language: en Genres: Leisure, TV & Film, Video Games Contact email: Get it Feed URL: Get it iTunes ID: Get it |
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Calibrating Major Announcements with Chris Souza - The Constantly Calibrating Podcast 312
Episode 312
Friday, 7 February, 2020
This week we're sad, but also happy, to announce the end of Constantly Calibrating and the Constantly Calibrating Podcast. It's been a long road these last eight years, through high highs and low lows. It's been our joy to share this time with you all, but all good things must come to an end. Join us as we discuss what the end of Constantly Calibrating means and announce some, but not all of our plans leading up to the end. It's not all melancholy news, as we're joined this week by the Founder of Pixer River PR, the wonderful Chris Souza. Chris was lovely enough to offer to join us on this episode to discuss our own history, while telling us a bit about his own journey. We talk PR in the gaming industry, plans for PAX East, and circle around a great many topics. Until March 10th The Constantly Calibrating Podcast is live every Tuesday at 4:30PM PT / 7:30PM ET on! We’re building up to our big goodbye show and we’re excited to celebrate the next few weeks with you all!