The Divorce Doctor  

The Divorce Doctor

Author: Elizabeth Cohen, Ph.D.

Divorce can be so isolating. Your friends and family might not understand what you are going through. But, you are not alone and divorce is NOT a failure. On this podcast I speak to real people who have gone through divorce and thrived through it. We talk about the struggles and the successes. We explore how the pain of divorce brought my guests realizations about themselves and their situation they never would have had without this experience. I cant tell you how many clients have shared that being reminded they are not alone allowed them to get up in the morning and keep on keeping on. With my 15 years of experience as a clinical psychologist working with people going through divorce I know the ins and outs of divorce. I am thrilled you are here and are ready to get the support you so deeply deserve.
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Language: en

Genres: Kids & Family, Science, Social Sciences

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Episode 64: My Kid Labeled My Divorce “A Good Divorce”
Episode 64
Thursday, 31 March, 2022

When children are part of the equation of how a divorce is handled, being intentional about doing what is best for them is so important. Divorce is traumatic for everyone involved and it can have a lasting effect on children, especially. That’s a weighty responsibility when it comes to re-learning how to parent in the midst of, and after, a divorce.    This week’s guest, Sarah Armstrong, shares her powerful story of navigating divorce with her daughter’s well-being at the forefront. It’s incredibly easy for animosity between divorced parents to create a toxic environment for their children, and how children experience divorce remains with them for the rest of their lives. Through thoughtful intentionality, Sarah and her ex charted a course that made space for each of them to process and express their grief while doing their best to minimize trauma for their daughter. That hard work was rewarded a year later when Sarah’s daughter described her parents' divorce as a “good one.”   When Sarah isn’t traveling the world as a global business executive, she works to break down the stigma that surrounds divorce through her book, The Mom’s Guide to a Good Divorce. I hope you enjoy hearing her story this week on the Divorce Doctor Podcast.   Learn more about Sarah by visiting her website at


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