Floral Design Cast - EnglishFlorales Design Author: Gregor Lersch
The floral-design-cast clips become real, to fulfil a desire for a directly spoken contact to the friends of the "floral-life" and the ones of our house. Monthly or in a rhythm of 6 weeks will appear clips, spontaneously made in our surroundings. Not only persons, no flower-design "itself" plays the main roll in this short stories. New development, new activities, discoveries of forms, images, moods, expressions with flowers and plants. What is happening by us? What is new by the way? What is even possibly coming back some how? Who else is interested in our themes and came closer? About what is to talk about? Questions and many, many answers in a short time, quickly articulated in word and picture. Gregor Lersch Language: en Contact email: Get it Feed URL: Get it iTunes ID: Get it |
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Floral Design Cast - Vol. 1
Wednesday, 2 May, 2007
In this short movie is a very simple, inexpensive base material: Bearch bot. Betula alba. It's spring "in person". Highly flexible to us. For many, many, several Forms: very effective. The 5 wellsprings of design can help to develop the full energy for creativity. All parts of the plant are useful, if we really learned to see.