Weekly Drive-By  

Weekly Drive-By

Author: Weekly Drive-By

The Weekly Drive-By is a music review podcast hosted by two friends who've known each other for about a decade now. The first half of the show is usually free discussion with nothing out of bounds, and the second half is built around reviews of new(ish) LPs and EPs that are either trending in the online music community or unknown picks we'd like to let people know about. We don't take ourselves too seriously, and you probably shouldn't either. New episodes are released on Sunday afternoons.
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Language: en

Genres: Music, Music Commentary

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WDB 91) Jackoff Outlaws: No Country for Abstinent Men
Sunday, 16 February, 2025

SQUIDYou ever say you're gonna do a thing, and then life tells you, actually, you're not doing that thing?No the episode title didn't change and I didn't correct the count you just travelled into a parallel timeline


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