Literary Speaking  

Literary Speaking

The writer's guide to publishing with inside tips from best-seller authors, literary agents & publishing professionals. The what to expect when your expecting a

Author: Crystal-Lee Quibell

Literary Speaking connects writers with the publishing industry by featuring conversations with best selling authors, literary agents, publishers and publicity firms. How do I establish a writing practice? Find an agent? Get published? Build a platform? Discover tips and tricks to build your writing practice and release your story out into the world. Join me as I interview expert guests as they share their experiences as published authors and industry professionals to inspire and infuse your writing practice.
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Season 4 - Episode 1 - The Art of the Anthology with Michele Filgate
Monday, 24 February, 2020

Michele Filgate shares how she pitched, placed and edited her anthology - What My Mother & I Don't Talk About. We discuss everything from how she pitched the project, the essay that started it all and how she edited the pieces to fit for publication. Michele also shares how to handle rejection when submitting essays to popular publications and her advice on how to get started. Michele Filgate is a contributing editor at Literary Hub and the editor of a critically acclaimed anthology based on her Longreads essay, What My Mother and I Don’t Talk About, published by Simon & Schuster. 


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