Decades on Dirt Roads  

Decades on Dirt Roads

Author: Maddy and Katherine

If you are an outdoor lover, forestry professional, firefighter, hunter or gatherer - come one come all as we aim to bring life to the stories of those who live and work outside.As two motivated outdoor enthusiasts (Katherine and Maddy) we aim to connect and share in meaningful and reflective conversations with those in the generations that have been there and done that. Our goal is to gather advice, share stories in good company, and create a space that allows for trips down memory lane.
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Language: en

Genres: Nature, Science, Sports, Wilderness

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The Zookeeper and Backcountry Biologist of Wallowa County - Vic Coggins
Episode 3
Wednesday, 12 February, 2025

Welcome back to the show!We had the pleasure of talking with Vic Coggins, a retired Wildlife Biologist who resides in Northeastern Oregon. Vic talked with us about his career and his adventures whilst navigating various controversial topics amongst sportsman's groups and policy. He played a large roll in the reintroduction of sheep and goats to Wallowa County and includes all the data points and experiences of this event in his book " Memoirs of a Backcountry Bio- 50 years managing Wallowa County Wildlife."His advice to the younger generation is to get outside, be in touch with the landscape you are responsible for, and be a worthy representative of the species that surround you. If you are interested in hearing more about his career and a life of a biologist give this episode a listen!Additional information:Lily Barnes Skull Cleaning208-892-4454holm7983@gmail.comMemoirs of a Backcountry Bio- 50 years managing Wallowa County Wildlife By Vic Coggins and Vicky CogginsPublication price $39.50 +s/h / Coggins Wildlife Publishing 64948 Aspen Grove Road Enterprise, OR 97828


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