Backcountry BSing  

Backcountry BSing

Author: Kevin Schill

The official podcast of Schill Brothers Outdoors. Join us as we BS, interview, and talk shop with other youtubers as well as experts in the outdoor industry. We also have a YouTube channel and Instagram for more hilarity
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Language: en

Genres: Sports, Wilderness

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Backcountry BSing #103 - St. Patty's Day Live Stream
Episode 103
Friday, 17 March, 2023

Happy St. Patty's! We sit down, crack open some Guiness, and discuss some new updates in the backpacking world. Subjects include the barkley marathons, upcoming permit decisions, using your drone to escape a life or death situation, and the USA banning tiktok. Sit down, be merry, and enjoy being Irish for the night.


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