Very Hicken Bros.  

Very Hicken Bros.

Author: Alexander Hicken

Language: en

Genres: News, Tech News

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Best of November 2021, including Nick Chao's song Roses & Lead Paint
Episode 2
Saturday, 11 December, 2021

This is the first official monthly highlights episode of the Very Hicken Bros podcast; therefore, the edited episode jumps around within the month of November 2021. I put in many topics in the episode from the Talk to You Later livestream, which we had audio recordings of; such as the following: Trevor raves about Taco Bell's Grill Cheese Burrito. ( I share my NoName Nerd Minimeal NFT, which includes the crash of my computer; then, I take that moment to discuss my affiliation with NoName Nerd. ( Since the next subject is time sensitive I made sure to say the date that we published the next segment, which was dedicated to Kyung-bo Kim also known as the Overwatch League eSport’s athlete “Alarm," which was recorded/shared on November 10th, 2021. ( Trevor and Nick discuss the Blizzard's Earnings call and the delay of Overwatch 2. ( Nick discusses Nikon and Cannon, catching up with Sony mirrorless cameras. I discuss Acala's successful crowdloan, and Nodle's crowdloan announcement. ( & then shares his review of the Pixel 6 Pro. We conclude with my interview with Nick Chao on his rough sketch song called Roses and Lead Paint. --- Support this podcast:


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