The Label Law  

The Label Law

Author: Grace Azuike

Bridging the gap between the legal world and the constantly evolving fashion industry. Hosted by Grace Obi-Azuike (@graceazuike) #TheLabelLaw. Don't forget to checkout for articles on each episode and extra surprises!
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Language: en-us

Genres: Arts, Fashion & Beauty, News, Politics

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The Label Law Talks with Hillary Kane and John Begakis
Episode 3
Tuesday, 20 April, 2021

And on our final stop, The Label Law Talks, hosted by Grace Obi-Azuike looks at Fashion Law from both an academic and practice standpoint. Hillary Kane, professor at Southwestern Law School in Los Angeles, California, pioneered what is now the university’s full course in Fashion Law. Her class breaks down fundamentals, such as trademarking and gives students a unique advantage in gaining the skills necessary to be a fashion attorney. John Begakis, once an extern of Hilary’s is a Southwestern Law graduate who now teaches Fashion Law at the law school. Outside of Southwestern, his firm, AltView Law Group, represents entrepreneurs and creatives in different media areas including music, technology, business and entertainment. In this episode, Grace Obi-Azuike discuss Southwestern Law’s unique Fashion Law Course, as well as how US fashion legislation has progressed over the years. Read their guest profile below and listen in to our conversation. by Grace Obi-Azuike


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