The Thriver Podcast  

The Thriver Podcast

Author: ThriveFit

Achieving your fitness goals can be tough. Most of us don't realize how much the brain plays into our success and shortcomings. Learn how to master your mental health and recognize the importance of the "little things." By diving into nutrition, fitness, and mental health, we want you to become the best version of yourself.
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Language: en

Genres: Health & Fitness, Mental Health

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Choosing Positivity
Episode 7
Wednesday, 10 June, 2020

Have you ever struggled with negative thinking? Learn with us as we interview Pike Township Firefighter and Thrive member, Mike Pettygrove! Mike gives us a deeper look at intentional thinking as he shares his past of addiction. Through focusing on the positive, he has become one of the most kindest, caring, and humble members to enter our gym. Let's use our minds to break negative, habitual actions.


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