KurtGalalahThe Small Council is a weekly podcast that dives Author: KurtGalalah
The Small Council is a weekly podcast that dives into HBO's amazing adaptation of George R. R. Martin's A Song of Ice and Fire series, Game of Thrones. In addition to show discussion, enjoy spoiler free in-depth analysis of the book series by Kurt Galalah and new guests who hop in every week to join him on the podcast. Think of the podcast as a group of fangirls meeting each week to gush about one of their very favorite things. Language: en Genres: TV & Film Contact email: Get it Feed URL: Get it iTunes ID: Get it |
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Episode 7: Sorry About the Sapphires
Tuesday, 14 May, 2013
Our recap on Episode 7 is out and Kurt Galalah does what he does best and fangirls about the one true thing that matters: Jaime and Brienne. Writer: Kurt Galalah. (Twitter: @KurtGalalah) Guest host: Not available. Music: Ricardo Ranzani. (Twitter: @canslli)