

Author: Cliff Hughes and Richard Reece

A weekly chat about the state of the Musical Theatre Business both Pro and Amateur, and quite a lot of laughs along the way. Join Cliff, Richard and Special Guests and join in by emailing Send us details of your show and we will try and mention them on air.
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Language: en-gb

Genres: Arts, Music, Performing Arts

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Season 2 is Upon Us!
Episode 1
Saturday, 21 August, 2021

Finally ! and not before time we hear you say we launch Season 2 of StageDoorCast. Well we have been waiting for things to perk up and today we talk Carousel at Regents Park Open Air Theatre,  South Pacific at Chichester Festival Theatre as well as a discussion about when does re-imagining a show actually create a completely new piece of work.BIG WARNING !!! THIS EPISODE CONTAINS SPOILERS. If you are waiting to see either of the above maybe wait until you have seen them and then join the conversation.Mail us : or join our Facebook Group and send us messages that way. Please tell your friends about us and send ideas for future shows.


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