The Debatable PodcastAuthor: Gregory Sahadachny
A free-form discussion about people's passions, media and life. Language: en-us Genres: TV & Film Contact email: Get it Feed URL: Get it iTunes ID: Get it |
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DEBATABLE 137 - Permadeath? with Daniel Tayag
Sunday, 9 December, 2018
Long-time friend of the show (and real-life bestie) DANIEL TAYAG joins me for what might be the last episode of Debatable. We talk our favorite video games and gaming experiences of 2018. We talk the juggle of life vs. long duration games, being a Paragon, loot boxes, depth and quality of gaming in both the indie scene and AAA, and how much is a short game worth. We touch on GTA Online, Destiny 2, Overwatch, Red Dead Redemption 2, Fallout, Dead Rising, Horizon Zero Dawn, Spider-Man, A Way Out, Hellblade, and Overcooked. Finally, Dan and I talk about the State of the Podcast and the possible future. Music on this podcast: Artist: Ella Hunt & Malcolm Cumming Song: Turning My Life Around Artist: John Carpenter Song: Escape from New York Copyrights are owned by the artists and their labels. No money is made from this podcast.