101: The Ways We Learn  

101: The Ways We Learn

The Ways We Learn

Author: Shane Bergin, Jane Chadwick & Bureau

101 is a show about the ways we learn. Each episode follows someone learning a new thing, and explores how their brain makes learning possible. Hosted by Shane Bergin and Jane Chadwick. Produced by Bureau.
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Language: en

Genres: Courses, Education, Science, Social Sciences

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Episode 10 | Diane Learns to Swim
Tuesday, 20 March, 2018

❝ In our final episode we meet educator Diane McSweeney from Trinity Access 21 as she learns to swim. We listen as her teacher Jennifer Murrin, a marine scientist and competitive sea swimmer, guides Diane’s first dip in the pool at University College Dublin. Jane and I reflect on the importance of trusting a teacher when diving in to scary new worlds. We talk to neurogeneticist Kevin Mitchell from Trinity College Dublin about how practice makes perfect. Finally, we look back at making 101 The Ways We Learn and reflect on how it’s changed our attitudes to learning and the role of education in society. ❞ —Shane Bergin Subscribe and hear more episodes wherever you get your podcasts, including iTunes and Stitcher. Credits: Hosted by Shane Bergin | Jane Chadwick Featuring Diane McSweeney | Jennifer Murrin | Kevin Mitchell Produced by Bureau Music by Chris Zabriskie Supported by Science Foundation Ireland


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