The Book of Nature  

The Book of Nature

Author: Dan Dawson, Charles Hackney, and Todd Pedlar

Conversations about science, faith, culture, and their intersections with three practicing scientists.
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Language: en

Genres: Christianity, Religion & Spirituality, Science

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Book of Nature, Ep. 40: They Live
Episode 40
Wednesday, 26 October, 2022

In the Book of Nature’s triumphant return to the airwaves after two years, Dan Dawson and Danny Anderson join Todd Pedlar to discuss John Carpenter’s 1988 film, They Live as part of the 2022 Christian Humanist Radio Network Crossover series discussing five films of the American filmmaker John Carpenter. In this episode, the hosts discuss the film as a part of Carpenter’s body of work (pun intended), the nature of the film as commentary on late 1980’s America, his casting choices, featuring primarily his choice of the inimitable “Rowdy” Roddy Piper as John Nada, the film’s protagonist. It was a rollicking good time and we are glad as the Book of Nature to be back in black.


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