You Tell Yours - Stories From Our Storyteller Class  

You Tell Yours - Stories From Our Storyteller Class

Author: YouTellYours

Lynn Ferguson teaches storytelling for and hosts storytelling events for her students. This podcast airs the new stories.
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Language: en-us

Genres: Arts, Performing Arts

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Ep 37: Jim Hjort - A Better Class Of Vehicle
Thursday, 4 May, 2017

Jim Hjort shares his journey of vehicular challenge. Bio: Jim Hjort is a psychotherapist, personal and executive coach, and founder of the Right Life Project. He enjoys introducing beautiful women to the X-Men franchise and using vehicles for their intended purposes. He thanks Lynn for her guidance, devotion to her craft, and therapeutic value to the world. You can watch the video of this story at was started by Lynn Ferguson after becoming embroiled in the storytelling community in Los Angeles. Lynn firmly believed that we all have stories to tell and so started teaching storytelling in Burbank. Since then we've confirmed that no only does everyone have a story to tell, but also that telling those stories enriches both the teller and the audience, creating connections and a sense of community. Our storytelling classes are available in Burbank, California with end of class storytelling events most months. We also deliver online storytelling courses with direct feedback incorporated into the experience. WEBSITE: ONLINE CLASSES: http://homeschool.youtellyours.comTWITTER: Music credit: Our Ego [Feat. Different Visitor] by Broke For Free is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.


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