Julia & The Joy Of Film  

Julia & The Joy Of Film

A fortnightly podcast all about taking joy in fil

Author: Julia & The Joy Of Film

A fortnightly podcast all about taking joy in film watching. There'll be: news, reviews of whatever random assortment I've watched recently, a film recommendation, and news of what's coming up in the cinema, all ended with some film facts. Every other podcast I'll have a guest who will bring in three films that they feel passionately about, talk about their film 'speciality' and answer a few fun questions. You may even get some film history & theory thrown in for good measure. My name is Julia, I love film & I want to share that with you. Follow me on twitter @JuliaJoyFilm for alerts to good films & TV on UK channels, tiny reviews, and general talk about the wondrous world of film. Thank you for stopping by, it's lovely to meet you.
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Genres: TV & Film

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#17 Julia & Jax & The Joy Of Film
Wednesday, 25 May, 2016

This episode I'm joined by friend and fellow Film Inquiry contributor; Jax. We talk about our problems with Michael Bay, how everyone needs to get over their horror of black and white films, also Jax discusses how her photo sensitive epilepsy gets in the way of a good movie and how she's trying to bring back the good old independent film festival. Recommended Film: Zombieland. Jax's Recommendations: The Dressmaker, Split & Sherlock Holmes (2009). Other Recommendations: Annie Hall, Bambi, Bringing Up Baby, Chuck Norris vs Communism, Cinderella (2015), Deliverance, Dr Strangelove, Fish Tank, Florence Foster Jenkins, Going Clear, Grandma, Gross Pointe Blank, Guardians Of The Galaxy, Harvey, His Girl Friday, Hot Men Cold Dictatorships, Jungle Book, My Brief Eternity, Red Road, Safety Not Guaranteed, Sherlock: Game Of Shadows, Singin' In The Rain, Snakes On A Plane, The Imitation Game, The Black Hole, The Others, The Roots Remain, The Sound Of Music, The Theory Of Everything, The Third Dad, Third Star, Tig, Twelve Angry Men, What We Do In The Shadows. For more on the Drunken Film Festival you can find them @DrunkenFilmFest or on their website -> If you want to read Jax's article on her photosensitive epilepsy follow this link -> If you want to read Jax's interview with Deborah Kampmeier follow this link -> If you to read my feature on the Wales International Documentary Festival follow this link -> If you want to read my review of Florence Foster Jenkins follow this link -> If you want to read my feature on the now 3 time Cannes Jury winning Andrea Arnold follow this link -> If you fancy watching the Carly Rae Jepsen video starring Tom Hanks you can see it here -> Editor's Notes: Jean-Luc Godard is indeed alive and well. The Point Break remake was directed by Ericson Core. Titus Welliver's dad was a famous landscape painter, but his name was Neil. The original Beauty & The Beast story was written by Gabrielle-Suzanne Barbot de Villeneuve in 1740.


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