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Dork TalesAuthor: dorktales
A group of roleplayers in the Pacific Northwest dedicated to good stories, good friends, and good times. Welcome to the party. Language: en Genres: Fiction, Games, Leisure, Science Fiction Contact email: Get it Feed URL: Get it iTunes ID: Get it |
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Phandelver and Below: The Shattered Obelisk | Wrap Session & How to Run Chapters 7 & 8
Episode 45
Monday, 3 March, 2025
Welcome to our third special How to Run episode! In this session, we provide advice and behind the scenes info on the end of Phandelver and Below: The Shattered Obelisk. Of course, I realize now that we didn't do one of these for chapters 5 & 6, but you can probably figure out our thoughts pretty easily. If not: join the Discord! Thank you to Bookwyrm Games for sponsoring the channel! Visit them at https://bookwyrmgames.com and use code DORKTALES to save 15% off your order! === Kelly Clark as Dungeon Master Cast Amy Godfrey as Lyric Christa Mitchell as Carmilla Alizarin Christine Rattray as Lady Ellasandra Chris Ross as Sindri Caitlan Vinkle as Anthea Briarfoot And Robin Holford as Zai'Rar Watch us LIVE on Twitch ► https://twitch.tv/dorktales Visit our website ► https://dorktales.ca Our Linktree ► https://linktr.ee/dorktales Join our Discord ► https://discord.gg/zVtE9Ab Follow our Twitter ► https://twitter.com/dork_tales/ Follow our Instagram ► https://instagram.com/dorktaleschannel/ Find us on Facebook ► https://www.facebook.com/dorktaleschannel/ Listen to our Podcast ► https://dorktales.podbean.com Support the show on Patreon ► https://www.patreon.com/dorktales/ Buy the cast a coffee ► https://ko-fi.com/dorktales Buy official Dork Tales Merch ► https://teepublic.com/user/dorktales ► https://dorktalesstore.redbubble.com! So smash the bell, share these videos, and we'll see you soon at our next game! === Music credits: The following music was used for this media project: Music: Only Teeth Remain by Tim Kulig Free download: https://filmmusic.io/song/11095-only-teeth-remain Licensed under CC BY 4.0: https://filmmusic.io/standard-license Artist website: https://timkulig.com/albums Tracks from Monument Studios Distorted Reality Licensed under the All-In-One Pack or Fantasy Complete 1 & 2 https://www.monumentstudios.net Tracks from Dark Fantasy Studio What Lies Beneath Licensed under a Premium License http://www.darkfantasystudio.com Tracks from Joel Steudler Lonely Mountain Licensed under a Humble Bundle Collection Like what you heard? For background ambiance we used sounds from Tabletop Audio! Tabletop Audio is a site with a full toolkit of songs, special effects, and soundboards to bring your adventures to life! The composer, Tim, hosts the site for free, so give it a try and if you have a few spare bucks, definitely donate: the quality of his work is staggering. https://www.tabletopaudio.com #dungeonsanddragons #dnd #dorktales #dnd5e #actualplay #tabletop #ttrpg #rpg #liveplay #5E #dragonlance #wizardsofthecoast #dndcosplay #d20 #lgbtqa #actualplayrpg