The Consciousness Salon  

The Consciousness Salon

Author: Dr Lauren & Alana

The Consciousness Salon is a conversation where psychologist Dr. Lauren Costine partners with Alana Roshay, The Boundary Boss and community activist to raise individual and collective consciousness through enlivening conversations about psychological and social justice issues. Both pride themselves on being part of the current global efforts to raise individual and collective consciousness. As lesbian and queer-identified cisgender women Dr. Lauren and Alana will focus on LGBTQ/Queer and Womens issues and the essential role these communities are playing in the worlds waking up process.
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Language: en

Genres: Science, Social Sciences

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28. Finders: What is Persistent Fundamental Being?
Sunday, 24 October, 2021

Did you know there is a whole world of people out there who have discovered what some people call persistent fundamental well-being or in spiritual circles being awakened or enlightened? A collective movement is underway and has been since the advent of the internet creating greater access to this phenomenon around the world.  Through 16 years of research the book, The Finders by researcher Dr. Jeffrey Martin has discovered that people who have transitioned to this state often feel free of distress, fear, angst, and judgment - those pervasive and challenging aspects of the mind.  There is a renewed and often persistent feeling of peace, stillness, compassion, gratitude, presence, and loving-kindness. Listen in as Dr. Lauren and Alana explore Dr. Lauren's journey into this world. Resources


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