Wet Hot American Moon Juice: A NaNoWriMo Podcast  

Wet Hot American Moon Juice: A NaNoWriMo Podcast

A NaNoWriMo Podcast

Author: Mother Moon's Favorite Children

Wet Hot American Moon Juice is a National Novel Writing Month podcast. Whats a National Novel Writing Month podcast, you ask? A bad idea, thats what. But with the power of friendship, even bad ideas can be really, really good. Join us each week from late October through early December while we discuss our NaNoWriMo projects, bemoan our decision to write 50,000 words in 30 days, and attempt to regain some semblance of normalcy after November is over. We'll laugh, we'll cry, we'll wonder what ever made us want to be writers in the first place...and we'll realize that the true moon juice was the friends we made along the way.
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Language: en-us

Genres: Arts, Books

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Exit Interview with Raeanna: Camp Buddies
Episode 76
Wednesday, 7 December, 2022

James and Raeanna discuss that writing is a hobby, not a jobby. Do glasses fix everything? Maybe you should try writing a book? Thank you to our producers Daniel Spencer and Amity Armstrong. We’re proud to be on the Scavengers Network. And maybe they’re proud to have us? Follow us on twitter! @WHAMJuicePod Leave us a voicemail at 984-444-89426 or 984-4- HI WHAM and we’ll respond posthaste. Find Raeanna on Instagram: @raeannanicole Find James on Twitter: @unabashedjames And that’s the way the Moon Juice pours...


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