The Midnight Moviecast  

The Midnight Moviecast

Yupp, you got that right, here's another movie podcast to shove in your earholes. Created as an outlet for me, Zach Kindron, along with my co-host and cousin Mat Bilz to spew our thoughts and feelings about the new films of today as well as those from th

Author: The Midnight Moviecast

Yupp, you got that right, here's another movie podcast to shove in your earholes. Created as an outlet for me, Zach Kindron, along with my co-host and cousin Mat Bilz to spew our thoughts and feelings about the new films of today as well as those from the past. The Midnight Moviescast is named such for not only being recorded late at night but also for much of the content, We will be talking about a lot of different genre flicks that would definitely fall under the "midnight movie" category. So give us a chance to rant about movies in your ears and we hope you enjoy it!
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Language: en-us

Genres: TV & Film

Contact email: Get it

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Ep 20: Snikty Snikt, Movies in 2017 are Really Good So far
Thursday, 9 March, 2017

The guys are back!! Your hosts Mat and Zach are talking about all of the great films that have come out over the past month, and it was a damn good February. From LEGO Batman to Logan They cover all of the great new flicks they've seen since they last recorded. Enjoy the show!


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