Pirates of the Airwaves  

Pirates of the Airwaves

Mark Wakely chats to some of the people involved in the land based pirate radio world of the 1970's and 1980's in the UK..

Author: Mark Wakely

Mark Wakely chats to some of the people involved in the land based pirate radio world of the 1970's and 1980's in the UK.
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Language: en

Genres: Music, Music History, Music Interviews

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Arnold Levine - Radio Concord, Dynamite 235
Episode 25
Sunday, 2 July, 2023

In this new episode I’m talking to Arnold Lavine from 1970’s station Radio Concord. We chat about how Concord started, and, how it went on to be the radical voice of the 1970’s counterculture in London. We also talk about his excellent book, “Banned by the BBC”, and finally what he has been doing since the end of Radio Concord. 


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