My Life Stew  

My Life Stew

How to do life wrong, then slightly less wrong

Author: Stewart Myers

I've learned life's lessons ... the hard way ... so you don't have to! Taking a look at the challenges in life talking about how to do things wrong the first time. Because apparently that's how I roll. Then looking at getting a second chance and doing things, well, slightly less wrong. We're all trying to navigate a path to happiness and here I talk about my experiences and what's not worked, then what's turned out pretty darned ok when I've done it again. Enough time has passed so let's take a look back at my life and have a darned good laugh.
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Language: en

Genres: Comedy, Health & Fitness, Improv, Mental Health

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Episode 1
Saturday, 11 July, 2020

This is where it all begins. This is the Rosetta Stone for what my podcasts will be about. Here I touch on the theme for my entire online presence and what I hope to share with you, dear listeners. In a nutshell, life is confusing and hard. I take a look at some of the ways I've done life wrong .... so you don't have to! I also explore what it means to move, taking a look at the whole concept in-depth to unravel why it's one of the most stressful life events.


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